Saturday, May 15, 2010


updated the wrong blog, bob

Today is the new yesterday

It has been exactly one week since my first blog post. I'd like to give myself a big pat on the shoulder for being consistent, which is not something I am known for.

What has happened to Berrronica in the past week?
  • I had new bands put on my braces on Monday.
  • I went back to work on Tuesday, and DDS lost their final game of the season ever-so-gracefully.
  • I had a work event after work on Wednesday. I took a disco nap, and headed to a punk rock suprise birthday party on the Southside. dannnng girl.
  • Thursday was the day that I shopped until I dropped for the sexiest birthday outfit of the year, as well as booze for my party that will be tonight.
  • Friday I turned 26, and I spent it with close friends eating expensive food followed by hangout action at my place.
  • Tonight is my party.
Work has been productive today. There is a lot of downtime on Saturdays, so that I can really get down to business.

I have been here for almost three hours now, and I have accomplished the following:
  • I watched episodes of Tim and Eric, How I Met Your Mother, and It's Always Sunny on Hulu.
  • I paid my credit cards.
  • I organized my Itunes, because there were some unlabeled items now.
  • I made myself breakfast.
  • I used the little ladies' room.
  • Got all caught up on my facebook news feed. Now I know what all my internet friends are doing.
It has been a productive day. I cannot complain.

Pictures of Berrro's Birthday Bash will be posted soon. I'm excited.

Tomorrow? Austin.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rough draft of letter to Devon Sawa

Dear Devon Sawa,
I would feel strange calling you "Devon" or "Mr. Sawa," so it shall be Devon Sawa. Devonsawa. All one word. My name is Veronica, and I am writing to you because I am a huge fan. I admit, I was what they now call a "tween" when you came out in Now and Then, as well as Casper. I love Christina Ricci now, but back then was a different story.
I hope your life is going great now. I recently went to a slumber party with a theme of a movie you were once in. No need for specifics, but when I got home I looked you up on IMDB. I am so glad to see that after a few years off, you're back to making movies.
If you are ever in San Antonio, you should check out this great Thai restaurant. (that is...if you like Thai food. But of course you do, you are Devonsawa, all one word.) It is called Thai Dee, and it is located on Blanco Road. If by chance, you do make it to San Antonio, and happen to try it out, I have included a self-addressed stamped envelope. I want to know what you think! I don't work for them or own the restaurant, but it is my favorite.


Friday, May 29, 2009


I did a lot of bad things that normal people wont approve of.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To the greatest soda in the whole wide world

Dear RC Cola,
I love you, even though you are really bad for me.  Thanks for tasting so great, that I don't even care.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

what an eventful day

This morning started off pretty lazy. I'm still really burned out from school. I did manage to drag myself out of bed around nine. For the first time since I can remember, today I was able to do whatever I wanted to. First thing, went and ate at Thai Dee. That is always a must.

After Thai Dee, I went home briefly because Danny had to program his drum machine for the drum lesson he had lined up this afternoon. He used the syllables from the girls name as a way to get her to keep rhythm. Actually, I have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to drumming, but it has something to do with that. Danny took me bowling when he was done.

I never realized how much Wii Bowling and real bowling are different. I was totally off on my first game and second game, bowling a whopping 76 then a 96. I figured out some of the issues, one of them being a lack of alcohol. The bar in the bowling alley was closed, but they still served beer at the food court with a very limited selection. After being brewed up, I finally bowled a 128. Not my best game, but I haven't bowled in months.

I went home to play Wii by myself. I indulged in some more bowling (where my record is in the high two hundreds), as well as baseball and golf. When I first arrived at home, I noticed a huge package on the doorstep. I knew exactly what it was: Oh, I love my new camera! I've wanted one for quite some time, but I had to save up for it. I got a great price on it, and I am so happy. I did it right, too. At least you can count on me for not fucking up the economy. I save a little, I spend a little. Unlike most idiots, who max out every credit card they have, and don't know when to stop. Okay, I will stop there... I'm getting mean.

I took some photos with my new camera, to test it out:

This is my beautiful cat, Janie. I love her to pieces, but she can be a total bitch.
A few things I have collected, vintage mexican birds and records. This is just a small sample of my collection.
I spent the rest of the evening sewing my little heart out. I've been making myself tote bags out of really cool vintage fabric, but I'm still a little rusty. Tonight, I was fixing some dresses. Now, it is time to read and sleep.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

two thousand nine

This year is off to a rocky start. Grad school is a lot harder than I expected it to be, and I've dropped two of my three classes. I need to get acclimated first. There are some things I need to take care of during this time, that I have been putting off because of lack of time. I need to change my name, but I know I'm going to have to go to court to fix all that now, because I never received the decree due to lack of proper postage. I need to go to the dentist, and hopefully fix my baby tooth. Tonight, I need to take a break from the busy work I've been doing for school. I'm going to spend some time with my man, because it is Valentines Day. He worked today, but he's off now, and we are going to play wii with Daniel and Clare.